
Notice: I am not an encryption expert! I didn’t like having my SMTP email password being stored in my database in plain text, so this was my solution. If you are doing something similar, this should be fine. If you are storing SSN or credit card data, you will want to consult with an encryption […]

I recently setup a Linode Linux server and am getting used to managing my sites without the help of cPanel. Depending on the circumstances, I sometimes setup a fake domain name on the new server and point the host file on my development computer to the fake domain name. This lets me run the live website and the […]

If you need a simple, library free, jQuery focused formbuilder that makes it easy for a beginner or intermediate Javascript developer to dive in and modify, then here you go! This is open source licensed. The MIT license is included and you are free to use this form builder in your projects.

This will convert the jquery.FormBuilder version 1.0 form structure (serialized or json forms) to the new jquery.formbuilder version 2.0 structure. Project link:

The output when the above code is run (I’m using PHP 5.5):


If you ever need to quickly and easily verify the hash sum, or checksum, of a piece of software using Windows, here is a quick and easy way to do it: Download and run Raymond’s MD5 & SHA Checksum Utility (Download) Click “File”, browse to your file you want to verify, and select it. The utility will automatically […]

If you are not using WordPress, and therefore don’t have access to its built in image resizing and saving tools, then phpThumb thumbnail creator is your next best option for image resizing, rotating, and a bunch of other cool image manipulation functions. Here is a script I was using on one of my sites to […]

View the Simple Navicon CSS Demo The Navicon is the 3 horizontal line mobile menu symbol used to indicate a mobile menu toggle option. The CSS typically used to generate these icons is fairly complicated, with absolutely positioned before/after pseudo elements used to achieve the triple border. Here is the most simple navicon CSS currently available. It will generate […]

A mobile friendly jQuery and CSS3 menu that’s simple, image-free, and pretty. View jQuery Mobile Menu System Demo There are a number of great scrips and plugins out there for adding fancy mobile menus, but they normally take awhile to configure and perfect. For the do-it-yourself type, this is a light and simple jQuery mobile […]

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